
LCBT – College Update


11th January 2021 : 02:16pm, by admin

Typing on keyboard


Updated: 11th January 2020 : 3:55pm

Following the Government announcement to close all Schools and Colleges from Tuesday 5 January, LCBT will now be operating and teaching remotely until restrictions are lifted.

We had a very high completion rate during the previous lockdown and many students found the overall process a positive experience.

We have the online tools and support that you need to succeed.  This includes virtual mental health support.

We follow Government guidelines very closely and want to keep you as safe as possible without disrupting your education, therefore when restrictions are lifted, there may still be some remote learning together with classroom based learning depending on the guidelines.  Your tutor will always keep you updated.

Please see below information on studying remotely with LCBT

  • We aim to create a live and real learning environment, so you will have live teaching sessions with your group on each of your College days. These live sessions will be conducted with your lecturer on Microsoft Teams, and you will have an induction and receive information on how to access this.  We have also an online learning portal called Learn Upon where we have lots of interactive theory lessons and practical videos to help support your learning.  Your lecturer may set you tasks to do on ‘Learn upon’ (our learning platform) in between your live sessions.
  • You may wish to use a laptop or tablet, but you should be able to access Teams and Learn-upon from a Smartphone (if you are eligible for financial support, we may be able to help you with access to IT equipment / data – please email: and we will be able to provide you with more details of the support available specific to your needs
  • You will be required to login on your college days to Microsoft Teams for a live session with you tutor for the times specified. You will have short breaks and 1 hour for lunch.
  • You will be required to complete any work set such as assignments, which can be hand-written, there is no requirement for these to be typed.
  • Online safety is really important, so you will be given tips on how to create a work area in your home, and also how to stay safe online.
  • Any practical sessions, you will need to either self-demo or work on a member of your household and show evidence of this to your tutor either live or uploading a video / images. Your lecturer will let you know how to set this up, and what you will need.  This is the fun part, and opportunity to pamper your family in lockdown.  You will be able to film your work on a smart phone.  If you live alone and for any reason can’t film, please just talk about this with your lecturer.
  • All learners have individual learning plans, to support learning. You will work on these plans with your lecturer so you have feedback and a clear plan of how to work towards areas of development and stretch your areas which you are strong on.  This is a great time to think about what areas of industry you want to go in to after you graduate with us.  Your lecturer will be able to advise on what you need to work on to help you achieve your career goals
  • During remote learning, you will have regular enrichment sessions. These are online sessions with brands where you can learn specific techniques, or hear about the brand and what it is like to work with them. When we are back in College these will be live events where you can practise your skills or on location in store, but until then we will continue them online so you can still meet future employers and learn about their work
  • Every Friday we have a regular yoga session which you will be able to join. Yoga is a great way to help with your physical and mental wellbeing.  Look out for the link!
  • If you need any additional learning support and are having difficulty with your College work please let your lecturer know, there will be additional ways to support you.
  • If you are experiencing any difficulties at home, and for any reason feel unsafe, or are experiencing any concerning behaviour online please contact
  • You will receive your uniform on your first day back into College, so that you are ready to take part in practical sessions when we start back.
  • You will be required to pick up your kit from the College when told to do so, some of it may be sent to you via post eg textbook.
  • Finally if you have any feedback for us, please email

We look forward to welcoming you to LCBT

Onwards and upwards to career success!

The LCBT team

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