
LCBT – College Update

LCBT – Returning to College – 8th of March 2021

23rd February 2021 : 02:25pm, by admin



Updated: 23rd February 2020 : 2:00pm

Dear parent/guardian and learners of LCBT

I hope this finds you and your family all well.

Following the announcement from the Prime Minister yesterday evening, I am delighted that LCBT will be open for learners to return from the 8th March 2021.

We have all greatly missed being in College and we are all looking forward to welcoming everyone and getting back to all the wonderful practical work that I know everyone loves. I have seen some incredible make up looks in lockdown and a very high level of talent and creativity this year from the students. I know all the Beauty students are keen to progress with their practical as soon as possible. 

We are currently working through the new guidance issued by the Department for Education yesterday evening, and will confirm the full plan for return by Monday. It is clear that we will need to implement a staged return with some level of remote teaching for the first two weeks. However, I am confident that all learners will be in College for at least one of their planned college days from the 8th March. 

To our learners, well done and we are proud of all that you have achieved during this lockdown. It has not been easy I know, but you have all done amazingly well. We are really looking forward to seeing you back at College and supporting you to complete your courses.

Your lecturer will be in touch to confirm the plan by the 1st March, and please do feel free to ask any questions you have either directly to your lecturer by their email address.

In the meantime, we wish you all well over the coming weeks and look forward to seeing learners back, attending College from the 8th March. 

All best wishes 

Yours sincerely

Christianne C de Moncayo


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