
LCBT – College Update

LCBT – Information regarding January 2021. Returning to College

31st December 2020 : 01:30pm, by admin



Updated: 31st December 2020 : 5:00pm

Dear Parents, Guardians and Students,

I hope this finds you and your families well.

You will have all seen yesterday’s news regarding schools and College’s and we have today been in touch with the Department for Education to understand better what the guidelines mean for LCBT.

I can confirm that we will be operating a phased return to the College. Next week, the week commencing the 4th January, we will be teaching classes remotely. Then from the week commencing the 11th January, from the information we have currently, each learner will come in for at least one of their planned college days, with the other delivered via remote learning.

We have been planning for this eventuality throughout the last term, and during the last lockdown were able to continue effectively using Microsoft teams and our online platform Learn Upon. Learners will be asked to log on to their online class by 10 am on their planned college day, and there will be a full programme of learning for each College day. It is important that all learners log on and register with their lecturer on time and complete any tasks that are set.

If you are a key worker and would like your child to attend College next week, then please let us know as soon as possible so we can make arrangements for teaching in College.

If for any reason your child or if you are a student have any difficulty logging on or accessing the learning, because of IT difficulties then please ask them to make their lecturer aware as soon as possible, so that we can help.

We understand that this is a very challenging time for many families, and if you require any help or support then please do contact

Please also continue to make us aware if your child or you if you are a student, or anyone in your household is experiencing any symptoms and is required to isolate. If for any reason your child or you if you are a student, is unwell or for any other reason unable to attend their online classes, please contact us as soon as possible on

We are currently waiting to hear more information regarding ‘mass testing’ for schools and College’s. We have been in touch with the Department of Education and there is no further information at this time but we will be back in touch with any information as soon as we receive it.

May I take this opportunity to wish you all a happy, healthy, peaceful and joy filled New Year.

Yours sincerely

Christianne C de Moncayo


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