
LCBT – College Update

Bubbles & Bush

8th December 2016 : 01:17pm, by admin

Together with Cosmetic Executive Women, CEW, we hosted a Bubbles and Bush Christmas Event in support of The Eve Appeal, a charity invested in researching the treatment and prevention of the five different types of gynaecological cancers, a cause close to all our hearts.

Bubbles and Bush was a chance to get involved in raising donations and awareness of gynaecological cancers through the Eve Appeal, to gather family and friends for a pampering session, getting funny yet thought-provoking conversation started about the female anatomy, taking away the stigma around the subject area and getting women comfortable discussing topics that could save lives.

In memory of LCBT’s founder Eileen Cavalier OBE, who sadly passed away at the start of 2016, the event gave friends and family of LCBT and CEW the chance to come together to remember those affected by these cancers, all while discussing ground breaking research into the prevention and treatment with The Eve Appeal the only UK national charity raising awareness and funding research in the gynaecological cancers.

Eileen Cavalier OBE, was a pioneer in the industry who long championed raising awareness through CEW’s Cancer and Careers directories. A leader in the Beauty Industry, Eileen expended her love for Beauty into campaigning to raise awareness for various philanthropic subjects, but especially cancers. Stating earlier this year “The Beauty Industry is enormous, generating over £17bn a year, the industry raises a huge amount of money for philanthropic causes” continuing on the work of Eileen, we will ensure these vital causes are recognised throughout the foreseeable future.

Guests were also joined by Caroline Neville, CEW President, Beauty Blogger, Caroline Hirons, Athena Laminsos, CEO of The Eve Appeal, and Christianne C de Moncayo CEO LCBT providing vital knowledge and information surrounding the lifesaving work of the charity.

We were delighted to add our support for the Bubbles and Bush event with LCBT. Eileen Cavalier was an important member of the CEW Board for many years and led our Cancer and Careers initiative. I want to thank our membership, who have raised £25,000 a year for the Eve Appeal by coming to our events. Early detection of cancers below the waist is vital. These cancers can strike at any age and we want our funding to go towards finding a way to detect them earlier for women. So the Bubbles and Bush event did not only raise funds for research but also raised awareness of the importance and work of The Eve Appeal.
Caroline Neville  President of CEW
We were delighted to add our support for the Bubbles and Bush event with LCBT. Eileen Cavalier was an important member of the CEW Board for many years and led our Cancer and Careers initiative. I want to thank our membership, who have raised £25,000 a year for the Eve Appeal by coming to our events. Early detection of cancers below the waist is vital. These cancers can strike at any age and we want our funding to go towards finding a way to detect them earlier for women. So the Bubbles and Bush event did not only raise funds for research but also raised awareness of the importance and work of The Eve Appeal.
Christianne Cavaliere  CEO at LCBT

Raising over £1500 in total, the Bubbles and Bush event was a huge success and thoroughly enjoyed by all that attended. Now an annual event, make sure to join us December 2017 for bubbles and thought provoking conversation, raising awareness around about this cause.

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