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Benefits of Flexible Learning for Adults
21st June 2019 : 03:11pm, by admin
Learning is something that we often associate with our younger years, whether that’s school or university. However, there are benefits to continuing to learn all the way through life and it’s possible to create new opportunities at any stage. Flexible learning for adults provides a way to continue to evolve, at every age and no matter what other pressures exist in life. Thanks to developments in technology, it’s possible to design learning around lifestyle and find the best way to learn for each individual. There are a range of benefits for adults who engage with learning in this way, including:
Learning is something that can be incredibly satisfying but may also serve a very practical purpose at any age. New skills and abilities can be used to help support a career change, for example, or to lay the foundations for a promotion at work. For anyone looking to move into a managerial role, adult learning can provide valuable insights that can ease this transition. Expanding knowledge and understanding also supports a more positive and constructive approach to working life and a better understanding of other cultures and values.
Adult learning is a great way to remain engaged and focused and to keep challenging the mind. From those who are working but looking to learn something more creative or language based than an existing job allows for, to people who retired and keen to keep improving skills, there are benefits for everyone. People who are constantly learning are much less likely to feel bored or lonely. Plus, adult learning helps to reduce the risk of conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Dementia.
Adult learning often involves getting outside of an existing comfort zone to tackle a new topic or challenge that may be unfamiliar. This is a great way to build confidence, something that will also be positively affected by expanding the limits of an existing skill set. There is also a lot of evidence to suggest that learning actually makes people happier. It can have an impact in a number of different ways, from alleviating boredom and frustration, to inspiring new plans and projects and providing the motivation to go on and tackle new challenges.
Everyone, from children (or grandchildren), to friends and family, partners and parents can be inspired by an adult who takes up the challenge of ongoing learning. Others can be similarly encouraged to branch out and start learning something new, to go back to school or to proactively begin expanding an existing set of skills or abilities. When it comes to younger generations, many will see the adults in their life learning and understand how important this is to development, which can have a positive impact on the motivation to get qualifications at an early age.
These are just some of the benefits of adult learning for anyone who engages with it. Technology today makes it easy to continue to evolve and grow at any age.