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Beauty trends that will control 2020
14th February 2020 : 12:59pm, by admin
As we start a new year – and a new decade – a lot is changing in the beauty industry. Political and economic events are having an influence like never before and products and treatments are becoming increasingly more advanced. So, what key trends are likely to control the beauty narrative in 2020?
• The arrival of Blue Beauty. Eco concerns are now a driving force across the retail sector, including in the beauty industry. In 2020, this is likely to continue as retailers look to meet consumer expectations by pushing towards zero packaging targets and reducing the percentage of water content per finished product.
• Changing the conversation around ageing. The beauty industry has traditionally focused on anti-ageing and younger skin and this has left many feeling excluded – 40% of women who are 50+ ‘don’t feel seen,’ according to L’Oreal Paris. This year, expect the dialogue to shift to focus on meeting specific concerns, such as hormonally-driven changes, and to target a more diverse range of beauty identities.
• A more holistic approach to beauty. As the self care industry has exploded in size so this has begun to create connections with the beauty sector. This year consumers are looking to align with brands that focus on mental health and well being issues and those that are producing products that are designed to meet the needs of the “anxious generation” (millennials). Whether that’s via product performance or marketing, a more holistic approach to beauty that encompasses well being and is aligned with better mental health is going to become the benchmark this year.
• Personalised beauty for every consumer. Innovation and tech are creating increasing opportunities for the beauty industry to personalise products for each customer. For example, using skin swabs to test bacterial analysis and DNA and integrating home beauty tools to create specific and customised analysis of skin or hair needs to enable better product choices.
• The rise of anti-pollution skincare. In the same way as it has become standard to invest in beauty products to protect against the harmful effects of the sun, soon products that provide a barrier against poor air quality will be just as popular. That’s especially so as more than 90% of the world’s population lives in locations where air quality exceeds World Health Organisation limits.
• Demands for full transparency. As consumer interest in organic, ‘free from’ and natural products has ballooned, so too has the range of items using this marketing without really having any justification to do so. This year, expect the consumer – and brands that genuinely do meet these standards – to hit back and start demanding more transparency on product content and production methods.
• A year for experimenting with a new look. Make-up trends in 2020 are likely to have a touch of the fantastical to them and subtle experimenting – a little glitter on the lash line or a bold shade on the eye lid – will be much more commonplace.
2020 is going to be a year of consistent change in beauty – and these are some of the trends that could be controlling the conversation.