Student Oyster cards are discount travel cards that give you reduced fares on buses, tubes and trams in and around London. To apply for a 16-18 Oyster Photo Card, you’ll need to be
- Under 18 on 31 August of the year that you are applying
Students aged 18+ can get a discount of 30% off the full adult rate.
For more information, please visit the TFL website.
If you are 16 or 17, you can buy a 16-17 Saver Railcard. You can use this to save 50% on all train travel – including peak times and season tickets. It costs £30 and is valid for 12 months or until your 18th birthday, whichever comes first.
For more details, and to purchase a railcard, visit the 16-17 Saver website.
16-25 & 26-30 RAILCARDS
If you are 16-30 and travelling from outside London, you should consider buying either a 16-25 Railcard or a 26-30 Railcard. These will get you 1/3 off Standard Anytime, Off-Peak, Standard Advanced and First-Class Advanced fares.
For more information, and to purchase a railcard, visit the 16-25 Railcard website, the 26-30 Railcard website or the Trainline railcard.
You can also visit Turn2us for more information on welfare benefits and charitable grants.